The Flourishing Coop

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9 Things You’ll Need To Care For Baby Chicks

Hi! I’m Ashley 🙂

Hey there! I’m Ashley, a passionate vintage loving stay-at-home mom of 5 and homesteader, finding joy in the simplicity of country living and nurturing a sustainable haven for my family.

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When caring for baby chicks, there are several essential things you need to ensure their health and well-being. Here are nine items you’ll need:

Brooder: A brooder is a warm, enclosed space where the chicks can live initially. It can be a large box or a specially designed brooder with a heat source to maintain the chicks’ body temperature.

Heat source: Baby chicks require a consistent heat source to stay warm since they cannot regulate their body temperature effectively. You can use a heat lamp or a brooder heater to provide the necessary warmth.

Heat source: Baby chicks require a consistent heat source to stay warm since they cannot regulate their body temperature effectively. You can use a heat lamp or a brooder heater to provide the necessary warmth.

Bedding: Provide suitable bedding material for the brooder, such as wood shavings or straw. Avoid materials like cedar shavings, which can be harmful to chicks.

Feeder: Choose a feeder appropriate for chicks’ small size. There are specially designed chick feeders available that prevent them from stepping in the feed and keeping it clean.

Waterer: Use a chick-sized waterer that is shallow and easy for them to access. Make sure to keep it clean and provide fresh water at all times.

Chick starter feed: Offer a nutritionally balanced chick starter feed specifically formulated for their needs. It should contain essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for their growth.

Chick starter feed: Offer a nutritionally balanced chick starter feed specifically formulated for their needs. It should contain essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for their growth.

Grit: Chicks require small-sized grit to aid in digestion. Grit helps them grind and process their food properly. Provide chick-sized grit in a separate container.

Heat thermometer: Monitoring the temperature inside the brooder is crucial. Use a reliable thermometer to ensure the brooder’s temperature remains between 90°F (32°C) for the first week, gradually reducing by 5°F (2°C) each week until they are fully feathered.

Heat lamp guard: If you use a heat lamp, it’s essential to have a guard to prevent accidental contact and minimize the risk of fire. Ensure it is securely attached and properly positioned.