The Flourishing Coop

Embracing the simple life, one step at a time. Join me on my homesteading journey filled with sustainable living, raising animal tips and more

Cool Summer Treats for Happy Chickens

Hi! I’m Ashley 🙂

Hey there! I’m Ashley, a passionate vintage loving stay-at-home mom of 5 and homesteader, finding joy in the simplicity of country living and nurturing a sustainable haven for my family.

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Here in Utah, it gets sooo hot in the summer! It can be challenging for our feathered friends, as chickens are more sensitive to heat than cold. As a responsible chicken keeper, it’s essential to ensure their comfort during scorching temperatures. One way to help your chickens beat the heat is by offering them delicious and cooling treats. Not only will these treats keep your chickens refreshed, but they also provide essential nutrients. In this blog post, we’ll explore some fantastic ideas for summer treats that will keep your chickens clucking with joy. Mine sure love them!!

Frozen Watermelon Chunks: This my chickens FAVORITE treat!!! Watermelon is a hydrating and tasty treat that chickens adore. Slice up some watermelon into bite-sized chunks and freeze them. The frozen watermelon chunks will not only be a great source of hydration but also help your chickens lower their body temperatures as they peck at the cold, juicy fruit. Or you can toss a watermelon in their run and let them go to town if you’re pressed for room in your freezer. Either way, they’ll thank you!

Cucumber Slices: Cucumbers are an excellent source of water and can help keep chickens hydrated. Slice up some cucumbers and serve them as a cool snack on hot afternoons. Chickens will enjoy the crispy texture and refreshing taste.

Yogurt Popsicles: This one sounds weird but they love it!! Yogurt is a fantastic source of protein and calcium, both of which are essential for healthy chickens. Mix plain, unsweetened yogurt with some water and your chickens’ favorite fruits (like berries or chopped apples). Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or popsicle molds and freeze. The result is a delightful and nutritious yogurt popsicle that will keep your chickens cool and satisfied.

Shaded Dust Bath Station: Dust baths are essential for chickens to keep their feathers clean and free from parasites. Create a shaded area in their coop or run and fill it with fine dust (such as sand or wood ash). Chickens will naturally seek this spot to roll around and beat the heat while also maintaining their hygiene. I like to use plastic kiddie pools, you can find them on Amazon or Walmart (I’m sure you can find them anywhere locally!) Or I’ve used one of these canopy sandboxes in my coops before and they worked great!

Fresh Herbs: Herbs like mint, basil, and cilantro have cooling properties and can be grown in the chicken coop or run. Chickens will enjoy pecking at the fresh leaves, and the herbs can also enhance the taste and quality of their eggs. You can even grow your own herbs to feed to your chickens! You can order this starter kit on Amazon and start growing in a matter of days! I mean, that’s what homesteading is all about, right? 🙂

Keeping chickens cool in the summer is vital for their well-being and productivity. By providing them with these refreshing treats, you not only help them beat the heat but also ensure they receive essential nutrients for a healthy life. Remember to monitor your chickens for any signs of heat stress, such as panting or lethargy, and take appropriate measures to keep them comfortable. With your care and these cooling treats, your chickens will be clucking happily throughout the summer season!